what residents are saying
We’re not NIMBY’s we’re YIMBY’s - but not this plan! The site should be developed with affordable and social housing to enhance Archway - this is the wrong plan. You can read a detailed joint objection paper put together by local residents and groups here.
Prioritise housing for families not student rooms costing £15,000 a year
Preserve the historic buildings on the site and use the existing Furnival building to reduce the carbon impact
Move proposed new blocks south, away from the northern boundary
Reduce the heights of the blocks on Highgate Hill
Don’t build a tower block that breaks the council’s own regulations, with its wind blight, overshadowing and impact on views from all over north and central London.
Maximise green space and protect the site’s biodiversity (bats, plants, and insects)
Provide quality accommodation fit for the next 100 years
Residents want a viable and sustainable development.
Development of Archway Campus has taken too long since being sold to Peabody in 2014. We’d like to see the Archway Campus/Holborn Union site:
Fully comply with the Conservation Area Statement, National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and all other regulatory policies that guide development in Islington.
Contribute positively to Archway and its London surroundings and to not cause substantial harm.
Avoid adversely affecting the amenities and wellbeing of nearby residents - particularly the right to privacy, preservation of light.
Learn from the errors of past development in Archway where the towers are the most disliked aspect.
Seek buildings which contribute positively to a sense of place.
Avoid blight from wind or overshadowing.
Preserve the unique heritage buildings on the site.
Avoid an adverse visual impact on the local and distant communities, including from open spaces such as Hampstead Heath and Waterlow Park.
Provide a significant and genuine contribution to housing those in need and limit the more profitable 'affordable' units rented at 80% of market rates.
Seek the highest levels of sustainability, in conformity with Islington's Zero Carbon target for 2030. This means retention of existing structures to avoid the significant carbon footprint of new build, retention of mature trees, and full drainage on all open spaces.
Local residents are being backed by our neighbours and community groups
Organisations supporting the #SaveArchwayCampus campaign:
Barrangreen Property Management
Better Archway Forum
Dartmouth Park Residents’ Association
Friends of Waterlow Park
Girdlestone Estate Residents’ Association
Heath and Hampstead Society
Highgate Conservation Area Advisory Committee (HCAAC)
Highgate Neighbourhood Forum
Highgate Society
Hillside Estate Residents’ Association
Islington Society
Transition Dartmouth Park
Whitehall Park Residents’ Association